Tentative Agreement – Calendar

July 10, 2010

The PEA negotiations team has reached a tentative agreement for the 2010-2011 calendar. Click the calendar page on this site to see the final version.

We continue to negotiate changes to teacher evaluations. Check back for updates. We hope to have agreement soon, and a complete explanation will be mailed to you for your consideration. If all goes well, we can have a ratification vote as soon as we return in late August.

Public Relations Opportunity

July 5, 2010

PEA in the Kindleberger parade!

Saturday, July 10

Meet at St. Ambrose/Central El. at 9:30 AM.

Parade goes down to Riverview and around by the library, finishing up at the Methodist church.
It’s shorter than the last Homecoming parade walk- PROMISE!!

Bring kids, dogs, whoever, wear Parchment colors (or not). We’ll have some signs etc. but feel free to decorate wagons, bikes, skateboards…? Or just plan to walk along. We will also have candy to throw!!

Hope to see you there if you can make it.

Thanks! Carol Bouabdellaoui